Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Breaking 1,000 Hits

Over the past week, Send Me the Cabbage has surpassed 1,000 pageviews! It's a minor first milestone that I had expected would take much longer to achieve, but thank you to all of my readers thus far.

Some interesting facts about my audience thus far...

The top 5 pageviews by country have been:
1) United States
2) Russia
3) Germany
4) Ukraine
5) Netherlands

While readership from the U.S. has easily dwarfed my international audience thus far, I am pretty proud of the fact that I've already had over 100 visits from Russia and over 60 from Ukraine.

Also, the top 3 most popular posts on SMTC thus far:
1) International Banking: Regulation, a Capital Idea?
2) Bookshelf: The Ascent of Money
3) Ukraine Seeks Privatization of Gas Pipelines

Not a bad start to what is still very much a personal hobby and side-project of mine, and considering I often don't have time to write an entry every day. Looking forward to even more views moving forward!

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